Our "Why" Behind Our Name

2020- you have been dark to so many, but you have truly brought light to what really matters most. While the year has brought heartbreak for many people, I believe it has allowed for a time of deep reflection. In 2020, I married the love of my life, gained a wonderful family, celebrated our new life together with family & friends, AND created our sweet new baby. In 2020, I also was let go from my job due to the economic effects of the global pandemic. In a time of so much uncertainty & a baby on the way, one can only imagine the emotions felt from this...scared, lost, and panicked... just to name a few. My mantra has always been Faith over Fear so I really leaned into this and gained a sense of security. I finally felt as if God had given me my “sign”.

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve had the same two dreams for my life: 1. To be a momma & 2. To own a business. In September of 2020, God blessed me with my first dream who we look forward to meeting in June of 2021. In December of 2020, God unexpectedly removed me from my current job and placed it on my heart to finally go after that second dream too, opening my boutique in 2021. Starting a business while growing a family is not for the faint of heart! Some may say we’re crazy, but my prayer all year long has been: “Lord, please allow and position our family to do what is best for us.” He never fails us!
A dear friend of mine told me “If there is anything that will give you the drive to make this happen, it’s this baby.” She couldn’t have been more right. I full heartedly know that this baby will forever know how hard their mom and dad work to give them a life we’ve dreamed of. Not to mention just how much we LOVE them.

Our entire “why” behind everything we do from this point forward is our “why” behind our new business. We dream of who this baby will be and already have our names picked out for him or her. At such a hard time in our lives, this baby has brought us so much light, so I knew these names would forever be on my heart. The names we dream of for our first baby. The name of our new boutique. Harlow x Brooks Boutique...coming early 2021.
No matter the darkness that a year such as 2020 can bring, there is ALWAYS light to be found. We can’t wait to share our lights with you in 2021. Our growing family THANKS YOU for your love & support as we hold close to the promise from our Lord, “I am the light of the world: he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.” John 8:12.